Data types
PL/Rust provides mappings for many of the built-in PostgreSQL data types. Rust's ownership rules means that these mappings may be different based on their usage. Where it can PL/Rust borrows (zero-copy) arguments and returns owned values.
SQL | PL/Rust Argument | PL/Rust Return Type |
NULL | Option::None | Option::None |
"char" | i8 | i8 |
bigint | i64 | i64 |
bool | bool | bool |
box | BOX 1 | BOX |
bytea | &[u8] | Vec<u8> |
cstring | &CStr | CString |
date | Date | Date |
daterange | Range<Date> | Range<Date> |
double precision | f64 | f64 |
int4range | Range<i32> | Range<i32> |
int8range | Range<i64> | Range<i64> |
integer | i32 | i32 |
interval | Interval | Interval |
json | Json(serde_json::Value) | Json(serde_json::Value) |
jsonb | JsonB(serde_json::Value) | JsonB(serde_json::Value) |
numeric | AnyNumeric | AnyNumeric |
numrange | Range<AnyNumeric> | Range<AnyNumeric> |
oid | Oid | Oid |
point | Point | Point |
real | f32 | f32 |
smallint | i16 | i16 |
text | &str | String |
tid | ItemPointerData | ItemPointerData |
time with time zone | TimeWithTimeZone | TimeWithTimeZone |
time | Time | Time |
timestamp with time zone | TimestampWithTimeZone | TimestampWithTimeZone |
timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp |
tsrange | Range<Timestamp> | Range<Timestamp> |
tstzrange | Range<TimestampWithTimeZone> | Range<TimestampWithTimeZone> |
uuid | Uuid | Uuid |
varchar | &str | String |
void | n/a | () |
1: This is Postgres' geometric BOX type, not to be confused with Rust's Box
type, which stores allocated data on the heap